General information

The owner of (hereinafter, the Website) is María Dolores Asencio Guarch (hereinafter, the Owner).

Identifying data:

Tax Identification Code: 73654050T

Consumer service telephone number: +34 656 85 85 77

Telephone attention hours: Monday to Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Contact email:

Responsibilities and use of the Website

For the use of the Website, acceptance of this Legal Notice and the Privacy Policy is an essential condition. The conditions of purchase, sale and shipping of the products are regulated in the legal text intended for this purpose.</ span>

The user undertakes to make responsible use of the Website, leaving the Owner harmless from any unauthorized uses of it or its contents, with the user being solely responsible for the same.</ p> reserves the right to modify this legal notice when necessary for the correct functioning of the website. Those substantial modifications that may affect the rights of users will be notified in advance, understood to be accepted by users with their subsequent acceptance when accessing the Website.

Intellectual and industrial property

All contents of the Website, domain name, brands, shoe store designs, bags and fashion accessories that appear on the Website are the property of the Owner.

No content of the Website, including this Legal Notice, may be subject to total or partial reproduction, distribution, transformation, exploitation or commercialization by the User or by third parties without the express authorization of the Owner of said rights. Said authorization can be requested by communicating to the contact email address

The contents, brands or logos other than the Owner that may appear on the Website belong to their respective owners, who are responsible to whom to turn regarding their ownership or in the event of any controversy that may arise. The publication on the Website of the aforementioned elements has been carried out with prior authorization from their owners.

Applicable law and competent jurisdiction

The Website is governed by Spanish laws. Any controversy regarding the Website, the Legal Notice or the interpretation or application of its provisions will be subject to the Jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of the City of Valencia, Spain), expressly waiving any other jurisdiction or legislation that could apply to them. correspond.

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